More With Murphy

More with Murphy provides stories, ideas and encouragement and challenges you to develop your leadership skills in your home, among your peers and in the marketplace.

Check out some of our other podcast episodes on our Youtube channel HERE.

Meet Ken

Whether it’s money, peace, purpose, confidence, love, or knowledge, there’s always more to get, to learn, to have, and to be.

Thanks for allowing me and some friends to join you in your quest for more in this thing called life. As always, there’s more to come.

Ken Murphy

More with Murphy videos are also available and Spotify.

Listen to Pastor Ken's message at a National Prayer Breakfast for the service industry in Las Vegas, Nevada. Click below.

Who is the G.O.A.T.?

Special Episode

Pastor Ken Murphy joins Rich Birch from Unseminary and Jesse Reed from Portable Church Industries to discuss multisite and launching campuses.





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